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  • That we as a youth group will grow both numerically and spiritually, that as we grow numerically, people will come to believe in Jesus and what He has done for us.

  • Pray that once young people have been won over for Jesus that God will give us as a leadership team the wisdom that we need in order to disciple, mentor and walk with the young people.

  • Pray that Revive  will become a beacon of hope for all young people in the Sandton area, and that God will use this youth ministry, to reach out to young people in Sandton and Johannesburg, and that through it, MANY will come to know about who Jesus is, why He died for us, and why they should choose to follow HIM.

  • Pray that the Lord would raise up leaders within this youth ministry, that He will provide young adults/students that the teenagers here can look up to as role models, and that these leaders will point the teenagers to Jesus. 

  • Please pray that the Lord would raise up/bring musicians who have a heart for 1. Worshipping Jesus and serving Him, and 2. A passion, love and heart for music. We currently use lyric videos, which is fine, it's still worship, but it would really be awesome to have a worship band!!! 

  • Please pray for the leaders as we look for/choose material for the year ahead, that the Lord will guide us and will grant us the discernment that we need in order to choose wisely as we look at the material.

  • Please pray for us as a leadership team, that as we see results that we may be reminded that it is NOT US, but it is the Lords hand at work. Pray that throughout this journey we will be kept humble, and that we will submit everything to the Lord. Pray that we will not become proud, but that daily God will work in our hearts to make us more and more like Jesus. That we will have humble, servant hearts, like Jesus.


Your prayers are needed, and will be appreciated.


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