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A Youth Group is just as much of a ministry as the "Main" congregation. Just as we encourage the adult congregation to go out and proffess Christ, we also want our teens to do the same. Here at Revive  we aim to set our teenager's hearts on fire for the Lord and for His mission:


Matthew 28 :19-20: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


Making the Bible real for Teens and Young Adults

The Youth groups meet on Friday nights from 18:15 - 21:30 at the Church premises. All are welcome, so bring your friends with you.

The Bible is alive, exciting, real and needs to be seen this way by all of us, especially our teens.
We meet in an informal setting at our church and enjoy time together, while learning what the Bible is all about.

Teaching from God’s Word is essential to us and we incorporate this with a time for meeting with friends and hanging out! In addition, there are lots of events happening, including things such as ice-skating, ten-pin bowling as well as attending Christian music concerts.

Our aim is to create a time for our young people to connect in a safe environment and have a great time with good clean fun!

For more information please call Jason on 074 469 2411. He will be happy to take your call and chat to you about any questions you may have.

Part of REACH South Africa Denomination
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